Are You Ready to THRIVE? (New Offering!)


The more clients I've worked with over the years, the more clarity I've gotten on the purpose of my work. While everyone has a different reason for coming to a group or 1:1 session with me, the core of what I feel I'm called to share remains the same. My passion is helping others create better internal environments mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to thrive in all areas of their lives.

The word THRIVE is not something that I understood or embodied before my own healing journey. Many of us, with the various fears, anxieties, and traumas that come up in day-to-day life, have switched into survival mode. Protect, defend, and really just make it through the day. While these tactics have great value in keeping us safe, they also rob us of the joys of life.

When I started my wellness journey over 10 years ago, I started to realize there was more to life than just survival. I started to tap into a new way to live that allowed the full spectrum of experiences. Yes, there is always fear, challenges, and sadness, but there is also incredible joy, curiosity, wonder, and play to be had. This new way of life is one that I believe everyone deserves to experience which is why I'm so excited to launch THRIVE, an Integrative Healing Journey.




  1. to prosper; be fortunate or successful.

  2. to grow or develop vigorously; flourish

During this 3-month personalized journey, I work as part healer, part meditation teacher, and part spiritual mentor to help you step out of survival mode and into a vibrant, thriving life. Each client gets a custom “energy prescription” which will include a combination of healings, meditations, and action steps helping to let go of old patterns/beliefs/energy that’s not serving them and welcome in a new way of living in the world.

But what does this experience look like? Glad you asked. The THRIVE Journey includes:

  • 6 sessions, every other week, over the course of 3 months. The goal is to offer you integration & practice time between sessions while still maintaining the momentum of the work. Hence every other week (scheduling is of course flexible if we need to skip for holidays, etc.). The first session is 75 minutes and the remaining sessions are 1 hour.

  • Tailored energy healings to clear out the old trauma, beliefs, and operating systems that are no longer working for you and lay the foundation for new ways of moving through the world.

  • Custom guided meditations + Mindfulness exercises to continue the healing & reprogramming between sessions. The energy healing is a necessary first step, but helping you develop your own daily practices via mindfulness & meditation is key to taking the healing out of our sessions and into your life. You'll leave our journey with these recorded meditations to keep practicing on your own.

  • Unlimited access to email support from me. I am a mentor and guide here for you during every step of the healing journey. You can reach out with questions, concerns, or challenges you are walking through during our time together and I will be here to fully support you! We may also set up time to speak on the phone between sessions as needed.

You can see this is a VERY hands-on experience, so spots are limited. If you feel a little pull in your gut by this email, set up a free 20-min discovery call with me now to discuss if this is a good fit for you! 

Rachel Lyle