Posts tagged healing
Try These Practices for Some Quick Relief.

I've been speaking about relief, the theme of this week's FREE group meditation and healing, and how my practices have become a big source of it for me over the years. That said, when I was in the early days of grief a few months ago, I was totally unable to sit down for my regular meditation and healing practices. My consistent twice-a-day practice went out the window in a matter of minutes.

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How Do Reiki + Mindfulness Work Together?

I found Mindfulness and Reiki healing at separate times in my life, but I fell in love with them in a similar way. As if remembering a forgotten friend, I felt called to share these friends with my community. At first, I wondered how I could work with these seemingly different modalities in the same session, but over time I've come to see they are so complementary. I may even venture to say that they are inherent in each other.

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Do You Have "Bad Vibes"? Time For an Energetic Reset!

You know that feeling when you walk into a room and meet someone new and just feel...bad vibes? There may be little to no reason in your logical mind for that feeling (you don't even know them!) and yet you feel the need to cut and run all the same?

This phenomenon has always been the easiest way for me to describe energy as the basis for my work. We are all made of energy and we are all giving out and picking up energy all day. Some of that feels good (like when we are with a friend who we feel supported by and leave feeling energized) and some of it feels not so good (like being around judgmental/mean/super negative people who you feel drained after seeing). And then, of course, sometimes WE are the judgmental/mean/super negative person with the bad vibes and it doesn't even feel good to be in our own energy!

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Do You Feel "Stuck" in Your Life?

Have you ever felt "stuck" in your life? Like you are being blocked from the place you want to be? I know I have. And so many of my clients come to me with these exact statements. Whether it's the feeling of being stuck in anxiety and negative thinking or the feeling of being stuck in a job or relationship, most of us know something isn't working, but don't know what to do about it. Hence, the block.

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