Mindfulness in Daily Life: Thanksgiving Edition

Thanksgiving this year may look different for most of us which, while challenging, could make it a perfect time to bring in some mindfulness. Instead of what can sometimes be a whirlwind of travel, cook, eat, repeat, why not commit to this week as a time to slow down, reflect, rest, and become present to the world around you.

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Rachel Lyle
Want to be More Connected to Yourself? This Practice Could Help.

By the time I found Mindfulness, I had a very tenuous relationship with myself. As I shared last week, I did my best to stay disconnected from myself, which I saw as a problematic vessel for anxiety. Sad but true. So doing whatever I could to just keep busy and not fall into the anxious thoughts that may be looping in my mind at any given time was my MO. And these choices kept me from ever liking, or even really knowing myself. I was so disconnected. And I now believe that this disconnection led to suffering, led to anxiety, led to acting out towards others in big and small ways. There's not much time to authentically show up for others and the planet if I'm too busy running from myself.

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Rachel Lyle
How Mindfulness Changed My Life, A Love Note.

A healthier body, a changed brain...all that is great. But when you are dealing with crippling anxiety and bouts of depression, all that really matters is relief. At least it was all that mattered to me when I turned to Mindfulness almost 10 years ago. By that time I felt like a broken mess.

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Rachel Lyle
Are You Thinking Your Life Away? Study Shows Most Of Us Are.

Do you ever find yourself in the car arriving at your destination with no memory of the actual drive there? Or maybe you notice you are on your phone having been scrolling on social media for a while, but don’t even remember picking up the phone and opening the app? So many of us get lost in our heads thinking about the past or future, so much so that we often aren't taking in what's actually going on around us. And this can have adverse effects on our life.

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Rachel Lyle
Getting off the Hamster Wheel: Bringing Mindfulness to Your Social Media Usage

This week I, like most of the country it seems, watched the Social Dilemma on Netflix. I can't say I was particularly shocked by any of the information, but it did drive home the need for BALANCE when it comes to social media. Though I can lapse into very black and white thinking, I do my best to see all sides of a story. There is no denying the scary effects coming out of our collective addictions to social media, especially with the young girls in our country and the overwhelming political polarization impacted by the imbalanced information we get on the various platforms.

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Allowing Ourselves to be Human: The Good, the Messy, and the Messier

I have worked this week to soften into my humanity, the good, the messy, and the messier. It’s a humanity we all share, which is more clear now than ever. We are experiencing so much at a global level and, as Kristen Neff says, the more I open my heart to the reality of the human condition, rather than fighting it, the more I am able to feel compassion for myself and all of my fellow humans in this very complicated and messy time.

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Name It To Tame It: Tending to Our Emotional Life to Regain Control

The saying goes, "Name It To Tame It", and research has shown that labeling, or saying hello to, a challenging emotion helps us regain control. If you are like me, you'll geek out knowing that this is because the naming of the emotion appears to dampen activity in the brain's emotional centers, including the amygdala, which allows the frontal part of our brains (the reasoning and thinking part) to step forward and take control.

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